the children are amazing... the things they say and do everyday...i want to capture it all and bottle it up and cherish it. kaetlyn's been asking me her first words... i'm pretty sure they're on here or in her baby book, but my memory isn't is great as it used to be and if i'd been good and not skipped an entire 2 years of their lives on here, i'd know for sure that nothing was missing... OH WELL. i'm resolving myself of this and just starting anew... better than nothing i suppose.
cj and i had a conversation this morning about the definition of accident. planning to only hurt his friends once today didn't qualify as an accident much to his disdain. nor did the head bonking game.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
it's been forever!!
so, i have an urge... GET THIS BLOG UPDATED. i'm feeling like i'm needing more right now, and am hoping this will provide some venue (and outlet) for that sensation. i've thought of updating many times but the OCD side of me is regretful of the time lost. the funny scenarios & nuances missed. the business of life with two little crazy people and the hilariousness & daily humbling they bring. not sure yet if i will be able to get past this gap in time or if i will work to retroactively makeup for 1.5 years of stuff....guess we shall soon see.
but for now - re-entrance - WOOT!
but for now - re-entrance - WOOT!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
cj is 15 months!
i'm a little late in posting this, as i have been very busy. on 8/30 cj turned 15 months! the time is flying by. his stats are as follows:
27.6 lbs & 32 3/8 inches long - 75-90% percentile
he is a big boy! he is dangerous. this past weekend he fell in the camper and got his first black eye! first of many i'm afraid. he is continuously falling down, and looking for ways to harm himself. what a mess!!! so sweet, loving and fun though.

september is always a busy month! we had a race in bowie, tx over labor day weekend which i will post more about later. craig's birthday is tomorrow and kaetlyn's at the end of the month. lots of planning and preparation!!
more to follow....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
brushy creek sprinkler park
on monday night the AC decided to stop working and it was the hottest day of the year - 105 degrees! tina and i took the kiddos to the sprinkler park after dinner. they had a BLAST! the girls were much more difficult to get pictures of than cj. kaetlyn and sam ran around and played while cj tried desperately to keep up... won't be too long!
serious planning happening here
galveston weekend
this past weekend we joined the mendelson crew in galveston for a weekend of swimming and family time. we had a great time. as always, the kids enjoyed the pool and beach. the grown up kids and dad enjoyed the reverse bungee on the seawall on saturday night. i wasn't so great at pulling out the old camera until sunday when we ended our fun time at the houston zoo. it was HOT and kaetlyn goes through like a bullet. it's hard to keep up with her as she moves from one animal to the next. i've located all the pics in the public web album, but here are a couple cute ones.
cj and jake
this is also a cute video of the kiddos singing and dancing in the car on the way home from the beach.
already getting calls from the principal!
last monday craig and i were eating lunch together (which is a rare treat) when i got a call from the school's director. she wanted to talk to me because she had to report that, 'cj is biting his friends.' and so it begins... LOL. the discussion went on that she thinks he is bored in the nursery and it is unfortunate this became problematic in the last week of summer when he would be moving to the one year old class this week. they wanted him to spend time with the bigger kids who get a little more stimulation to see if that helped. i told her whatever works! what's funny and what i told her is that he is not biting at home, so it is hard for me to help reinforce with him that this is not acceptable. sitting down a 14 month old for a talk doesn't work so well. i tried subliminal messaging in his sleep that night instead, 'cj... be NICE to your friends.. biting is not nice...' craig just laughed at me, but we haven't had any reports since, so maybe it helped!
Monday, August 23, 2010
at the beginning of the month i forgot to include a funny 'kaetlynism'. when she was sick and complaining of a tummy ache we had a discussion about telling the truth: real stories vs. pretend stories. after a very long explaination from me about the importance of only telling real stories when something is wrong and not making up stomach aches or other potential issues, i asked her, 'so now does your tummy still really hurt?' 'aww mom,' she says to me, 'i think i ate a story book!'
Monday, August 16, 2010
cj's vocab
the little one is talking more and more every day! sometimes sounds like he's saying more that he actually can. he's getting inflection down, even if the soungs aren't quite right. words he knows: cheese, bubbles, up, hot, bath, hi, bye, uh oh, juice, mama, dada, baba (bottle), night night, kaetlyn (neh-neh), uh-uh (no.. and sometimes yes). he blows kisses, high fives, gives hugs and big sloppy open mouth kisses. loves dancing and music. such a funny happy kid... until he's not. he has developed quite a little temper, that cannot be cured through soothing. if he is pushed to the point of anger the will flail around on the floor and if you try to help him he gets more and more angry... so you just have to let him cry it out and then it's over and he's fine. funny little guy. can't wait to hear his statistics at the end of the month at his 15 month checkup. :)
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