Sunday, December 9, 2007
almost christmas!
Monday, October 29, 2007
october's gone

with the holiday season quickly approaching, we should have a lot of stories and pictures to share!! stay tuned....
kaetlyn's one!
on september 29th we celebrated kaetlyn's 1st birthday! friends and family joined us at our house for the festivities. a good time was had by all. i cannot believe it's been a whole year!! and we all survived.... i also can't believe that my baby is becoming a little person! she walks and speaks and has 12 teeth and definitely has a mind of her own... and it has happened so fast!
kaetlyn's a very good natured kiddo... until she's not... but typically she's just a sweetheart. she loves to cuddle and share her food (especially with the dogs). she LOVES animals and also becomes quite infatuated if balloons are spotted. she's enjoying her mobility and loves to walk around. one morning at 7 am she walked across the street and was going straight up to the neighbor's house to say hello, and would've gone straight to the door if i hadn't stopped her!
i could just go on and on... but it's getting really late! here are some pics from the birthday party:
Friday, September 21, 2007
long overdue part III - september - craig's birthday
i took the day off work on craig's birthday and we had a family day! we decided that a trip to the austin zoo would be a good plan. susan and jack met us there. kaetlyn REALLY enjoyed the animals at the petting zoo. she fed the deer and goats from her own hands and laughed!!!

and just a couple more of our cutie pie below. will definitely do a better job of updating from now on... getting behind causes a lot of extra work, as is the case with most things in life. will be sure to post the newest pics from our visit with "auntie tiff tiff" and the birthday next week!

long long overdue part II - august

august blew by! dad came to visit after dropping megan off at college... it was the same weekend as my company picnic. we enjoyed the company of my co-workers, at some good BBQ and relaxed for the afternoon. craig won the canoe race and his team avoided the tug-o-war mud pit! kaetlyn took in the new scenery and was a trooper.
long long long overdue part I - july
first, we'll start with july...
toward the end of july we went to galveston with my dad, megan, nicole, robbie, taryn and the boys. the perkins also met us for the day on saturday! we had fun. here are some pics from that trip:
Monday, July 9, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
it won't stop raining!!!!

i think the title says it all! we've been pretty home bound the past few weeks, as the rain keeps on coming and coming and coming!!! i've been busy with work (as usual) and craig has taken a temporary job at att for the next month or so. kaetlyn is getting around very well, although i wouldn't exactly call it a crawl... knees are not involved in the movement, but she's quick and all over the place nonetheless. she's also standing a lot and cruising from one piece of furniture to the next.... 9 months old! it seems like the blink of an eye. at her 9 month appointment she weighed 20 lb 15 oz and was 28 inches long. mimi came to visit and they really enjoyed playing together and reading books. mimi did a great job of keeping kaetlyn happy in the car, which has become quite a challenge lately!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
time flies!!!!!!
past few weeks activies are as follows:
in mid-may we went to Lake Buchanan with kim and jared. kaetlyn and i went for a brief swim, but it was a bit overcast, and she had been under the weather so i didn't want to get her too wet. Here are some pics of our trip to the lake:

since our trip to LA/TX we have enjoyed some time at home... housecleaning, organizing, and such. kaetlyn and i have spent our evenings taking walks and going to the pool. she loves swimming!! she's crawling and standing and bruising herself daily. the stairs are new found fascination as well. we're having a blast, but can't take our eyes off of her for a second! here is a picture of her first busted lip as well as a couple others:

Monday, May 14, 2007
so much going on....
a few weekends ago we went for a fun hike at lake georgetown w/ the bantas... pics:

the following weekend kelly, annabelle, and willie came to town. we went to eeyore's birthday party and the kids enjoyed each other...
the next weekend, we spent the weekend in houston with the perkins... here's 1 cute pic of kaetlyn, and the rest are on the rucker's blogspot which you can link to from this page.
summertime is busy, but so much fun... HOORAY!
kaetlyn is getting so big.. she's basically crawling in her own sort of way. she's not too quick yet, but certainly getting around. she's also pulling herself up to standing and having a good time pulling stuff off the coffee table. she's gotten a couple bumps and bruises, but that goes with the territory!