our newest developments involve hygiene... as you can see in the pics, kaetlyn can now sit up in the bath tub! she is discovering the exciting world of bath toys and seems to enjoy this newly discovered playtime. she also now has 5 teeth! the top front two came in on 3/13 and the top left next to the front on 3/28. as a result, we're beginning to brush those little suckers in the evenings before bedtime. she likes the way the toothpaste tastes, so it's not too difficult a task... although trying to get a picture with any of her teeth showing is proving to be. ;)
we went to her 6 month doctor appt yesterday and she got her 3rd round of shots... not too fun for any involved party, but otherwise she is progressing nicely. she is 18 lb 4 oz and 27 inches! she's ranging in the 90th percentile for both right now! who'd have ever thought i'd have such a big girl???