Wednesday, November 28, 2012

must do better....

the children are amazing... the things they say and do everyday...i want to capture it all and bottle it up and cherish it.  kaetlyn's been asking me her first words... i'm pretty sure they're on here or in her baby book, but my memory isn't is great as it used to be and if i'd been good and not skipped an entire 2 years of their lives on here, i'd know for sure that nothing was missing... OH WELL.  i'm resolving myself of this and just starting anew... better than nothing i suppose.

cj and i had a conversation this morning about the definition of accident.  planning to only hurt his friends once today didn't qualify as an accident much to his disdain.  nor did the head bonking game.

Monday, March 12, 2012

School behavior

How could this sweet face ever cause a problem??? NEVER

it's been forever!!

so, i have an urge... GET THIS BLOG UPDATED. i'm feeling like i'm needing more right now, and am hoping this will provide some venue (and outlet) for that sensation. i've thought of updating many times but the OCD side of me is regretful of the time lost. the funny scenarios & nuances missed. the business of life with two little crazy people and the hilariousness & daily humbling they bring. not sure yet if i will be able to get past this gap in time or if i will work to retroactively makeup for 1.5 years of stuff....guess we shall soon see.

but for now - re-entrance - WOOT!