so, since i last updated (february) lots has happened. we are not only the proud owners of 2 4 wheelers, but actually 4! kaetlyn even has her own 50 cc polaris predator. the running joke is that she will not potty train to save her life, but she rides her little quad like a champ! here's some video:
she's getting better and better and will be racing before we know it! i started racing in addition to craig, and it is an absolute blast! we purchased an rv (toyhauler) the day i went into labor with cj - LONG STORY - and so far it has been the greatest investment we've made! this summer consisted of camping & riding, camping & riding, riding & camping and spending lots of time with family and good friends... couldn't have been more perfect.
cj is an absolute dream baby! he was born 10 days early, and we were all packed to go camping & racing the next morning. he was a little scrawny dude, but now at 4 1/2 months, he is surpassed many 6-9 month old babies... he's 18 lbs and in the 90th percentile! he is quite the trooper as he has spent the texas summer camping & riding as well... actually not riding so much.
other events (besides camping & riding) since last post:
march - family weekend trip to san antonio for my birthday
april & may - very pregnant - i was promoted to VP of client services in may
may 30 - welcome to the world Robert Craig Perkins Jr - 'CJ'
july - 2 trips to houston for aidan's birthday and rachel's wedding
august - galveston, tx with the mendelson clan
september - craig's 32nd and kaetlyn's 3rd birthday
every spare moment and weekend has been spent outside.... camping and riding!!
i absolutely cannot believe that it is october already!! we've been so busy, and life is grand! we are truly blessed. kaetlyn is a fantastic big sister... she loves cj very much. she continuously cracks us up with the words that come out of her mouth.... just an absolute character. cj is a happy and calming, although chubby, little soul. he's quick with a smile and a giggle or two. i will add many more pics / slide shows to get this blog caught up and make a point of adding more as often as i can.... when not camping & riding of course. perhaps i will challenge myself with an attempt of a daily addition... think i can pull it off?