every august we go to galveston with the mendelson's around dad's birthday. it's so much fun to play on the beach and relax by the water. kaetlyn enjoys her mendelson cousins tremendously... its unfortunate that they do not see each other as often as we'd like. we stayed at a different condo this year because our usual spot is still in recovery from previous year's hurricane. it was a nice condo, although i think we all like the other one better. i wasn't so great with the camera this trip, but geez... ya gotta cut me some slack! managing a new born and 2 year old at the beach is effort enough. nevertheless, here are a few pics of the children at the conclusion of the weekend... don't forget the newest addition to the perkins family - Sue - the hermit crab.
i think that robbie took additional pictures this weekend... i'll have to track them down and add to the album.
also, today is dyllan's 8th birthday!!!! happy birthday to dyllan. where oh where does the time go? sunday is megan's 21st as well!!
tomorrow is halloween and we are driving to houston for a birthday celebration for randy and trick-or-treating with the cousins. should be a great time.... will make sure to keep my camera handy and post a lot of pics after the weekend. :)
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