seems like cj adds more functionality to his repertoire on a daily basis. over the weekend we increased his food intake to include squash, which he now will enjoy for dinner for the next week. we also discovered he can move from sitting to his tummy to his back. i have a feeling that our 'little guy' (as kaetlyn calls him) will be moving around in no time. last night in the bath tub he discovered the water coming out of the faucet and stuck his hands frantically in and out of the flow... he was so excited...we're entering a new stage of consciousness. fun times!!
kaetlyn LOVES puzzles. i mean she really really really LOVES them. and she's quite good at them, but some of the harder ones do require some assistance. santa might need to take a few ideas from this. her teacher at school told me that she (the teacher) hates puzzles, so when it is puzzle time kaetlyn takes over the class. :) on friday night we went to cori's house for a girls / kids evening. took some cute pics of kaetlyn riding remi's horse with only boots on... if you're interested in the amusing pictures, email me... they're not profane, but rather funny... craig just preferred i not post for all... but will send upon request...
on saturday night we enjoyed 2 family games of candyland... kaetlyn won both times somehow... and no cheating was involved. this was our first experience where she's been able to to understand and follow the rules... good family time. :)
yesterday we went for a brief ride that got rained out. we had a good time till the downpour began. hopefully oneday we'll be able to buy 20 acres of our own somewhere....

bedtime routine consists of craig getting kaetlyn ready and me getting cj ready. then stories, songs, and much stalling from the 3 year old.. while the baby smiles, nurses incessantly and drifts off to sleep.
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