last week was very busy preparing for the perkins' arrival to austin friday night. in addition to everything that needed to be done for the weekend, BOTH children got ear infections & craig got a stomach bug. the result is that i didn't get much sleep, but we made it through.
last thursday night, kaetlyn brough home a white fuzzy catepillar. i fished out the hold hermit crab cage and she put it in there. on friday morning, she looked inside the cage and said, 'OH NO! mom... my catepillar has a spider web over it!' it had made a cacoon! really need. now we are waiting to see it become a butterfly. theresa says the hungry catepillar book says it takes around 2 weeks, so i guess we'll see what happens!!
also on thursday night my keys were found. i lost them 3 weeks ago. someone found them on the road in our neighborhood and turned them in at the gym i go to. i am so thankful for this person and wish that i knew who they were so i could properly thank them. despite the fatigue, thursday was a great day!!
saturday i hosted a 'southern living at home' party for theresa, who is now a sales rep. we had a good turn out and it was fun to make some yummy food and have girl time! following this, we were planning to have a birthday party for cj, but had to make a pit stop to the ER before the party could begin.
apparently his antibiotic was not working, and his temp was over 104! of course i panicked, and craig and i took him the the hospital. new antibiotic & more tylenol / motrin, and we went back home to celebrate cj's, rachel's, and scott's birthday!
you can tell from the pics, he's not doing so hot, but he was a trooper. i think he's finally showing signs of improvement. he went to school today, and they haven't called me, so that's a good thing. :) the perkins' pitched in a got him is very own '3 wheeler' which he loves! i will need to get some pics of him playing with it. :)
thanks to all for a fun weekend. back to work today, but am still tired. hopefully cj will be feeling better and better and i will get a little more rest.
last thursday night, kaetlyn brough home a white fuzzy catepillar. i fished out the hold hermit crab cage and she put it in there. on friday morning, she looked inside the cage and said, 'OH NO! mom... my catepillar has a spider web over it!' it had made a cacoon! really need. now we are waiting to see it become a butterfly. theresa says the hungry catepillar book says it takes around 2 weeks, so i guess we'll see what happens!!
also on thursday night my keys were found. i lost them 3 weeks ago. someone found them on the road in our neighborhood and turned them in at the gym i go to. i am so thankful for this person and wish that i knew who they were so i could properly thank them. despite the fatigue, thursday was a great day!!
saturday i hosted a 'southern living at home' party for theresa, who is now a sales rep. we had a good turn out and it was fun to make some yummy food and have girl time! following this, we were planning to have a birthday party for cj, but had to make a pit stop to the ER before the party could begin.
apparently his antibiotic was not working, and his temp was over 104! of course i panicked, and craig and i took him the the hospital. new antibiotic & more tylenol / motrin, and we went back home to celebrate cj's, rachel's, and scott's birthday!
you can tell from the pics, he's not doing so hot, but he was a trooper. i think he's finally showing signs of improvement. he went to school today, and they haven't called me, so that's a good thing. :) the perkins' pitched in a got him is very own '3 wheeler' which he loves! i will need to get some pics of him playing with it. :)
thanks to all for a fun weekend. back to work today, but am still tired. hopefully cj will be feeling better and better and i will get a little more rest.
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