Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ET phone Kaetlyn

this week the kids are learning about space and astronauts and planets and such.... so kaetlyn and i started talking about aliens on the way home from school. the conversation transpired into kaetlyn telling me she wanted et to come to 'our earth'. so i told her that he was with his family on his planet, but maybe when we got home daddy would help her call him on the phone. lol. or so it would seem. not so great move, mom. the entire night she was obsessed with talking to et on the phone. fortunately, right at bedtime our buddy fred called and pretended to be et while she talked to him on speaker phone. he did a fantastic job! how her eyes were sparkling and she was laughing and so happy. cute stuff. first thing this morning she asked me if we could call et again! i was able to distract her with the movie.... ah... the things we do for love. many thanks to fred for saving the day! hopefully he won't mind playing the part a few more times if needed.

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