Friday, January 15, 2010

cj's crawling!!!

so yesterday when i went to pick cj up at school he actually crawled about 10 paces to me! very slow and laborious at this point, but he made it. :) he's pulling up to standing as often as he can as well... it's almost like a switch is flipped and he's ready to be off and running. this video is a little dark, but shows him making a little bit of ground!

slightly different, but related topic... my boy LOVES to eat. no wonder it's been so difficult for him to move around, he's a bigun... 7.5 months and in 12 month clothing! here are a couple pics of him eating dinner last night.

look at how filthy his arm is in the 2nd shot! yuck... broccoli, pasta noodles, applesauce, and crackers... what a fantastic combo. :)

and finally, another attempt at bathing the children simulataneously... cj is not quite ready for it... life will be much easier when he is..

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