Wednesday, July 14, 2010

set me free mom

a couple weeks ago, kaeltyn was watching her newest dinosaur movie. she asked if i would come watch it with her, so we curled up together on the couch. after a few minutes, the following conversation occurred:

k: mom, you want me?
me: yes, of course i always want you
k: ... oh, ok... mom, when are you gonna set me free?
me: ur, um.. you're free.. i thought we were snuggling... you don't want to snuggle? you want to be free?
k: yeah, so i can breathe.

WOW! i had a flash forward about 12 years. what a girl.

another cute one: she really likes bob marley's song 'three little birds' but has created her own lyrics, which don't really make sense but are pretty cute. in galveston she was standing on a kitchen chair dancing and singing. dyllan was cracking up! her words are, 'i'm walrus; i'm out of bed.'

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