Tuesday, December 29, 2009
holiday fun!
12/17 - the kids school had child-led worship at 7 pm. i have a video but have to figure out how to make it work in the laptop. kaetlyn was precious! dancin' and singin' away!
12/19 - had our christmas party with our traction racing friends. we all cooked up and ate a huge feast, exchanged gifts white elephant style, let the kiddos play, and of course rode '3 wheelers.' we spent the night at brian & traci's in the rv, woke up, ate breakfast and rode some more! it was a fun weekend!
12/23 - dad came to town to celebrate christmas with us. i spent the previous two days finishing up christmas, wrapping, cleaning, etc. we hung around and looked at christmas lights in the evening.
12/24 - craig had to work in the morning, but got off around 11 am. we took kaetlyn and sam to chuckee cheese for lunch and came home for naptime. we went to the church that the kids' schools is part at 7 pm, looked at a few more chrismtas lights then came home, put out reindeer food (kaetlyn dumped it in one big pile in the front yard), made cookies for santa, and got ready for bed. kaetlyn donated her binky's to all the small children that need them, so we wrote a note to santa so he would know to take the binkys. it went quite well, except that she wanted one to sleep with and said that santa can take it from her mouth while she's sleeping. for the most part, she's doing quite well... big girl! it's a little said for me... my baby girl is growing up.
12/25 - christmas morning was a blast! all the hours of preparation were over with the blink of an eye! kaetlyn had a fun time opening, not only her own presents, but cj's, mommy's and poppi's as well. after we finished our family christmas, dad headed back to LA, and craig, myself and the kiddos drove to houston to spend a couple days with the perkins family. we were on the road by 10:45! once we got there, we had another christmas! presents were had by all, followed by naps, and a wonderful christmas dinner. the children played and the ladies even got a few card games in. :)
12/27 - we left Houston and drove to LA for a couple days. we arrived around 6 pm and had darrell's po-boys and MORE presents waiting for us... so we had christmas once again. the kiddos had fun playing with their new stuff, and we enjoyed the family time.
we had a blast! all the excitement and memories... i wouldn't change a thing, but boy am i glad to be home! we got home last night around 6 pm, and i am thankful to have the next few days off with the kiddos. i will have a chance to get caught up on things and maybe even relax a little! this week we are working on getting kaetlyn out of diapers. she has had on panties and jeans all day, and hasn't had a single accident! i added a diaper for her nap, but am hopeful we can knock this out before the weekend.
some of kaetlyn's prizes include: a bucket of dinosaurs, a bicycle, a kids digital camera, a talking & walking t-rex, a baby nerf gun, a singing dolly (thanks grandma!), a little einstein computer, and the list goes on and on.... cj made out pretty well too... but he doesn't really know the difference at this point. his hammer and drums suit him just fine!! he is trying desperately to crawl, and is extremely frustrated when he can't get where he wants to... he ends up going backward, then cries for help.
this weekend we are planning to go to a race near dallas if the weather permits. we'll know by tomorrow evening if we're racing or just going to a favorite camping spot nearby. today is cold and sleeting... not a great day to be outside, so we're just hanging out.
many pictures to follow! last night when putting kaetlyn to bed, i hurt her feelings and she told me that jesus was going to come take all my presents away. i told her that she was my present... she is my gift from God. she said, 'mommy, i'm not a present with a bow on top!' i told her she was silly. she said, 'that's me. silly silly kaetlyn.' funny girl.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
family photos!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
almost christmas!
next tuesday night is the GSLC child led worship service. kaetlyn's class is singing 'hark he herald angels sing.' she has been practicing and it is very cute. last night the school sent home child-prepared dinner for the families, and while we were eating kaetlyn started singing for us. she then took it upon herself to play teacher for craig and i. one hand cupped over her ear (listening) and pointing one finger she says, 'repeat after me. say hark.' so craig and i say 'hark.' then she says, 'say hark the herald angels sing.' we repeat... so on and so forth. she's got the first verse down extremely well, except mercy mild = percy wild. :) too cute to correct. i think its a hard song for 3 year olds.
Friday, December 4, 2009
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From 2009_12_04 |
the web album includes several more pictures from last night as well, but here are several. cj's 2nd tooth has finally broken through, and he is much happier... for now... until the top ones begin their process.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
stranger in a strange land!
a situation at school prompted me to attempt a 'don't talk to strangers' conversation. it went like this:
me: kaetlyn do you know what a stranger is?
k: blank stare
me: a stranger is a person mommy & daddy don't know. we don't talk to strangers.
k: aw, please mom!
craig: talking to strangers can cause danger, we don't want you to be in danger
k: ok, i won't talk to miss shiela then
me: no, miss shiela is a teacher. you can talk to teachers. but you shouldn't talk to people mommy & daddy don't know
k: ok mom. when i grow up can i be a scarecrow?
think she got it?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
cj is 6 months old!!

according to the doctor, he's doing very well. she said it may take him longer to crawl due to his size, but he'll get it sooner or later. kaetlyn came to the appt with me and was very disturbed when he got his shots. she was shaking her hands and crying and yelling at the nurse, 'why are you doing that to him?? don't hurt my baby brother!!' i honestly think she was more upset about them than he was... it was very sweet to witness her concern and love for our 'little guy'... even though i guess he's really not so little!
i feel so lucky and blessed and am thankful every day for all that i have been given.
Monday, November 30, 2009
pics from weekend
lots to report
we had a fun filled and action packed trip to LA for the holiday weekend:
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The link is also on the right side of the blog post, but i couldn't help but include a couple of my favorites here.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
this is how we roll

Monday, November 23, 2009
as you can see cj enjoyed the dinosaurs tremendously!!!! at the end he woke up and stared in awe like his big sis. :)
i so enjoy weekends and spending time with my munchkins. it's amazing how fast they grow and change. it seems like cj is doing new stuff almost daily. yesterday afternoon after kaetlyn's nap, the 3 of us were sitting on her bed. i was watching her play with dinosaurs and we were putting them in her horse trailer / toy hauler. cj was captivated and earnestly attempting to interact and play with her. she's not the best at sharing, but will concede to letting him have 1 of the 15 dinosaurs on the bed. and he's happy to just be able to be a part of it. i'm so excited for what the future will bring.
this picture was just really cute.... looks like he's waving... maybe he is.
Friday, November 20, 2009
naked cj in the bathtub
Thursday, November 19, 2009
thanksgiving feast
on tuesday morning before school kaetlyn asked me, "mom, will you please put cj back in your tummy?" i asked why and she said, "he's not right." i said, "he's not what??" and she said again, "he's not right... he's not my best friend." i just kind of chuckled... she loves her little brother very much, but sometimes we still do have those moments...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
TORN Race weekend

Friday, November 13, 2009
cj has a tooth!!
besides the annoying fact that kaetlyn got me sick and i am writing from my bed, it's been a good week. i feel very blessed and extremely lucky to have such a wonderful family and life. wednesday night i had a work dinner. when i was leaving craig called because kaetlyn wanted to talk to me. i asked her why she wasn't sleeping... 'cuz i want you mom... i love you SO much mom... please sing me 'blackbird singing in the dead of night.' so i sang as i drove, then hung up thinking about how special children are and how lucky i am to have these two little people in my life.
tonight we leave for gordon, tx where we are going to camp and race quads for the weekend! we're SO excited. :) barbara is joining us for the festivites and we are all looking forward to it. this is my first REAL race, and i'm a little anxious, but excited as well. craig is so pumped he can hardly contain himself! i can't wait to watch his race and enjoy a weekend with family and good friends. http://tornracing.com is the website for the folks that are throwing the event. will make sure to take a lot of pics.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
home with kaetlyn
two funnies -
when we got home from the office, she looked around and said, 'mommy - oh no! we forgot cj!!' she was so excited to pick him up at the end of the day. it's nice to see how much she loves her brother.
she talked to craig on the phone after her nap and said, ' i'm having so much fun with mommy!'
was good to have the 1-on-1 time. i think she really needed it. she wasn't nearly as clingy when i dropped her off this morning. (that's been a recent thing) today her class is making dinner to bring home for the family. i am sorry i will miss it... i've got a work dinner with the executive team and italian owners.... grown up stuff.... most of the time kid stuff is MUCH more fun.
Monday, November 9, 2009
weekend fun
bedtime routine consists of craig getting kaetlyn ready and me getting cj ready. then stories, songs, and much stalling from the 3 year old.. while the baby smiles, nurses incessantly and drifts off to sleep.
Friday, November 6, 2009
at home
uncle update: uncle is no longer kaetlyn's daughter, but rather her granddaughter! granddaughter named uncle is brought up a couple times a week... we'll see how long this continues.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
cj sits....
Monday, November 2, 2009
halloween and more
the halloween evening was a blast - always entertaining when 3 and the perkins are involved. :) kaetlyn was very brave - i daresay even braver than the boys at scary houses... but her unicorn did get very tired and needed to go home and rest. cj just trooped along in the frontpack. i do think he enjoyed all the sites because once in a while he would shake his arms around.
cj started eating babyfood this weekend as well. he likes bananas, so we'll see how it goes. he will officially be eating breakfast and dinner from this point forward!! BIG BOY! 5 months old. :) he just found his tongue and was making funny faces all weekend.
Friday, October 30, 2009
august galveston trip
i think that robbie took additional pictures this weekend... i'll have to track them down and add to the album.
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Galveston Weekend |
also, today is dyllan's 8th birthday!!!! happy birthday to dyllan. where oh where does the time go? sunday is megan's 21st as well!!
tomorrow is halloween and we are driving to houston for a birthday celebration for randy and trick-or-treating with the cousins. should be a great time.... will make sure to keep my camera handy and post a lot of pics after the weekend. :)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
milk machine
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
rachel's wedding
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From Drop Box |
i'm SO tired.
Monday, October 26, 2009
only our child
on a different note, upon our return from our trip, we took craig to the dr. for bad stomach pains. when this 2.5 hour adventure (with both kids) was complete, i went to fill craig's perscriptions and picked up at $3 bag of bugs from the halloween isle. kaetlyn has been into this type of thing and she carries them around in a little pink purse. so i brough them home and gave this bag of ants, spiders, flies, etc. to my darling daughter. she smiled really big and says, 'oh! thanks so much for these bugs mom, they are wonderful!! look at these ants... they are so cute.' funny funny stuff. craig's ok, he just needs to eat healthy for a bit to get his GI tract back on track.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
wild imaginations
last night though it took 1.5 hours to get her to bed. craig and i alternated shifts with attempts and after much fuss i finally got her to cave. she was talking about her 'daughter named uncle.' he was her daddy too. she said she missed him so much. i brought her all her dolls - you know, her daughters - but these were not what she was looking for... she told me she missed him so much because he was at his house, but he lived with her too... in her jewelry box.... oh yeah, and he talks... what an amazing daughter uncle is!
i'm very much paraphrasing this very weird conversation. i finally got to the point where i just started to agree with her and deduced that she was referring to some sort of imaginary friend.... but after the event was over and i layed down next to craig, i couldn't help but ask him, "think uncle is her imaginary friend, or is she possessed?"