Monday, August 16, 2010

cj's vocab

the little one is talking more and more every day! sometimes sounds like he's saying more that he actually can. he's getting inflection down, even if the soungs aren't quite right. words he knows: cheese, bubbles, up, hot, bath, hi, bye, uh oh, juice, mama, dada, baba (bottle), night night, kaetlyn (neh-neh), uh-uh (no.. and sometimes yes). he blows kisses, high fives, gives hugs and big sloppy open mouth kisses. loves dancing and music. such a funny happy kid... until he's not. he has developed quite a little temper, that cannot be cured through soothing. if he is pushed to the point of anger the will flail around on the floor and if you try to help him he gets more and more angry... so you just have to let him cry it out and then it's over and he's fine. funny little guy. can't wait to hear his statistics at the end of the month at his 15 month checkup. :)

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